
Solution to the puzzle Black and White.

Black and White - is one of the interesting puzzles of the Melbourne University Puzzle Hunt 2010 competition. According to the plot of the game you are pursuing a mysterious participant of a TV show trying to reveal his identity. You manage to get into the studio and then into his dressing room. There in his clothes you find a piece of paper. One side of it contains a message, the other - a conundrum and a set of instructions for it. «Decompose each of the diagrams below into 1x1, 1x2 or 1x3 strips in such a way that no grid contains strips with the same black and white pattern, even after rotation.» The puzzle consists of 25 square grids arranged in 5 rows and 5 columns. Each of these grids is divided into 25 cells by horizontal and vertical lines. The cells have a white or black background and each of them contains one letter. First, let's determine, which strips we can use to solve this problem. There are 6 different 1x3 strips (WWW, WWB, WBW, WBB, BWB and BBB), 3 different 1x

Решение головоломки Black and White.

Black and White - одна из интересных головоломок игры Puzzle Hunt Мельбурнского Университета 2010 года. По сюжету игры вы преследуете загадочного участника ТВ-шоу в надежде раскрыть его личность. Вам удается пробраться сначала на студию, а затем и в его гримерку. Там в его одежде вы находите клочок бумаги. Одну из его сторон занимает сообщение, другую - головоломка и набор инструкций к ней.  «Разложите каждую из диаграмм ниже на полоски размером 1x1, 1x2 или 1x3 таким образом, чтобы ни одна сетка не содержала полосок с одинаковым черно-белым паттерном, включая повороты». Головоломка представляет собой 25 квадратных полей, расположенных в 5 рядов и 5 столбцов. В свою очередь, каждое поле разделено на 25 клеток горизонтальными и вертикальными линиями. Клетки имеют белый или черный фон, и каждая из них содержит по одной букве.  Сначала определим, какие полоски мы можем использовать для решения этой задачи. Существует 6 различных полосок размером 1х3 (WWW, WWB, WBW, WBB, BWB и BBB), 3 ра

Solution to the puzzle Informatix.

Informatix is one of the interesting puzzles of the Melbourne University Puzzle Hunt 2013 competition. The plot of the game that year was based on characters from the Asterix & Obelix comics, and each of its puzzles was related to one of the inhabitants of the Gaul village. Informatix is one of those inhabitants. His puzzle was part of the second act of the game. The puzzle was preceded by an image of this character, as well as a brief description of him: "An expert in processing and retrieving data, Informatix always has a tendency to overcomplicate matters." The puzzle itself was a network made up of terminals and printers. The first page of the task contained a graphical representation of this network. The second page of the task contained a table describing transitions between network elements. Each row of this table described one of the 14 terminals. The table had 4 columns. The first column contained the names of the terminals. The second column contained a condit